Life sciences

Anti-COVID vaccination campaign / 17,846 people, immunized in last 24 hours, 76,400 in total

The national committee for coordinating the anti-COVID vaccination informs that in the past 24 hours there were 17,846 people immunized with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, against the coronavirus, according to the data shared by the National Institute of Public Health, through the National Electronic Vaccination Register application.

Pfizer-BioTech Covid-19 vaccines arrive in Nafplio, Argos hospitals

The hospitals of Nafplio and Argos in the Peloponnese received their first batches of the Pfizer-BioTech Covid-19 vaccines on Thursday, January 7, 2021. In Nafplio, the truck transporting the 115 doses was greeted with applause from the health workers and the deputy manager of the local hospital, Theodore Vassilopoulos, while the hospital in Argos received 145 doses.

Black day in Slovenia - the largest number of newly infected

This is the highest number of new infections in one day since the outbreak of the epidemic.
But the largest number of tests was done - 22.194, the Slovenian government announced today.
PCR and antigen tests were performed, and 15.1 percent of those tested were positive, reports the 24UR portal.

Tiodorović's gloomy forecasts - until when will the measures be in force in Serbia?

He said that we will enter 2022 unburdened and with a good scenario.
Tiodorovi explained for the daily Blic that we will have to adhere to everything during the summer as well, because even with vaccination, it takes a month and a half to two to create a protective level of immunity.

PM Citu: We intend to move to second stage of vaccination in middle of next week

The government intends to start the second stage of anti-COVID-19 vaccination as of the middle of next week, Prime Minister Florin Citu told an online video conference with prefects on Tuesday. In this context, he spoke of the need to prepare the more than 900 vaccination centres in the country.

Nursing home gets 'best New Year's present' as vaccinations begin

Greece started vaccinating elderly care home residents against Covid-19 on Monday in the next phase of its inoculation campaign that begun nine days ago.

Officials want around 100,000 health care workers, care home residents and other vulnerable people to be inoculated against the coronavirus by Jan. 20, before rolling out the vaccine to the wider population.
