
Will Macron be able to deliver?

At the time when this article was being written, we knew that most opinion polls were giving the frontrunner centrist Emmanuel Macron a 20-point lead over his opponent Marine Le Pen. We were perhaps puzzled by the announcement of the hard-leftist leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon and center-right candidate François Fillon - both defeated in the first presidential round on 23 April - that they would not

French Elections: Marcon victorious with 65%!

Centrist Emmanuel Macron has recorded a landslide victory against far-right populist opponent Marine Le Pen to become the President of the French Republic. Macron won 65% of the vote, according to the Ispos/Sopra Steria for French state TV estimate. The turnout at 5pm was estimated at 65.3% of the 47 million registered voters.

Macron Is Object of "Massive Hacking Operation"

On the Sunday ballot, the staff of the leading French presidential candidate announced that it is an object of a massive and coordinated hacking operation, after which a big quantity of the online correspondence and documents, mixed with "fake" files are spread on Internet so as Emmanuel Macron to be compromised in the eyes of the electors. This information reported Dnevnik.

France goes to ballot box for landmark presidential election

Centrist French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron extended his lead in the polls over his far-right rival Marine Le Pen on May 5, only two days before the county's most important election for decades with two diametrically opposed views of Europe and France's place in the world being at stake.
