
European NATO Countries Expand Military Training for Civilians as Bulgaria Prepares Its Own Strategy

In about a month, Bulgaria will finalize its approach to organizing military training for civilians, as the deadline for creating the Strategic Defense Review ends in late June. Meanwhile, several European countries are already offering such training.

Whoever does not report to the army will be sanctioned

However, that would only be the beginning because a public debate will follow, and in the end, the decision must be made by the National Assembly because a change in the law is also necessary.
"We will explain to the president why we believe that the suspension of mandatory military service should be abolished," Minister Milo Vuevi said earlier.

Vucevic: State of affairs in army to be presented on January 30

BELGRADE - Serbian Deputy PM and Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Thursday an annual presentation of the state of affairs in the Serbian Armed Forces would be given on January 30, when a report will be presented to the president of Serbia by the military top brass and the Ministry of Defence.

Vucevic: State of affairs in the army to be presented on January 30

BELGRADE - Serbian Deputy PM and Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Thursday an annual presentation of the state of affairs in the Serbian Armed Forces would be given on January 30, when a report will be presented to the president of Serbia by the military top brass and the Ministry of Defence.

With the right wage

Greece has invested many billions of euros in the procurement of new weapons. All this will not achieve much if we have these very expensive next-generation systems but not the staff to support them - staff who must be highly trained and paid on a par with the private sector. 

Mandatory Military Service Reconsidered in Croatia Amid Regional Changes

Croatia is actively exploring the possibility of reintroducing mandatory military service, signaling a potential shift in the country's security strategy. Veterans Minister Tomo Medved disclosed that the proposal is in its early stages, with a concrete plan for training young individuals yet to be presented.
