Minsk Protocol

EU Resists Kiev's Calls to Send Military Mission to Eastern Ukraine

The European Union won't send armed peacekeepers to conflict-torn eastern Ukraine despite reports of ceasefire violations there, European Council President Donald Tusk said on Monday.

"We can only talk about a civilian mission, not military," Tusk told a news conference in Kiev following talks with Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, according to the BBC.

OSCE secretary general: Ceasefire generally respected

OSCE secretary general: Ceasefire generally respected

BELGRADE -- OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier said on Wednesday in Belgeade that the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine is "generally respected."

"Now the key stage should be used to set up working groups and step up negotiations and implementation of the Minsk agreement," Tanjug quoted him as saying.

Vucic talks with OSCE delegation about Ukraine

BELGRADE - Serbia's Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic talked in Belgrade on Wednesday with representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and underscored that Serbia, as the country that is currently holding the OSCE chairmanship, will do everything in its power to ensure that the ceasefire in Ukraine is fully respected.

Kiev accused of moving artillery in violation of ceasefire

Kiev accused of moving artillery in violation of ceasefire

LUGANSK -- Ukrainian forces have been accused of violating the Minsk agreement by sending 200 pieces of artillery during the night to the Stanica-Luganskaya area.

The announcement was made on Friday by the authorities of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Lugansk (LNR).
