Neapolitan cuisine

Where to eat the best pizza in Athens

We owe pizza, at least as we know it today, to the lazzaroni, the poor Neapolitans who were so nicknamed because their ragged appearance recalled the biblical story of Lazarus' resurrection and emergence from the tomb. Since the lazzaroni were always on the road looking for work, they needed a cheap and easy meal.

I love you, but I hate your cooking

When Marta Hurgin first met Lisa Wolford, she loved Wolford's sharp legal mind, her sense of humor and her empathy toward animals. And Hurgin even accepted that Wolford's favorite food was chicken, though, as a vegetarian, she couldn't quite understand it. The two lawyers began to date, and soon, in pursuit of domestic bliss, they moved in together in rural New Hampshire.

Pasta with tuna and ouzo

An easy pasta recipe and a great way to get your children to eat fish. Due to its simple ingredient list, this dish the ultimate example of a meal serving for surprise visitors because it can be cooked easily in such a short time. Ouzo here makes all the difference, transforming ordinary canned tuna into a delicacy.