Nikos Dendias

Armed forces placed on standby for new cold snap in Greece

Defense Minister Nikos Dendias has ordered the armed forces to be on standby as a new wave of bad weather hits Greece.

The Civil Protection Authority in central and northern Greece is also on standby for potential problems caused by the cold weather and strong winds expected in many parts of the country.

Between the olive branch and the sword of justice

"In one hand Greece holds an olive branch but in the other it holds the sword of justice," said Greece's new Defense Minister Nikos Dendias as he was sworn in on Monday. The danger is, though, that Greece is bringing a sword to a gunfight. Within hours of Dendias taking over the role, the Turkish Navy corvette Buyukada was sailing in Greek waters, not far from Athens.

New defense and development ministers to be sworn in

Greece’s new defense and development ministers are due to be sworn in on Monday after a mini reshuffle caused by the departure of Dimitris Avramopoulos from his post at the Defense Ministry to become the EU's Home Affairs and Migration commissioner.

Nikos Dendias, 55, leaves the Development Ministry to replace Avramopoulos.
