Occupational safety and health

WHO Warns: By 2050 A Quarter of World Population Will Have Impaired Hearing

One in four of the world's population will suffer from hearing problems by 2050, the World Health Organization warned Tuesday, calling for extra investment in prevention and treatment.

The first ever global report on hearing said that the causes of many of the problems such as infections, diseases, birth defects, noise exposure and lifestyle choices could be prevented.

Coronavirus/3,382 new cases of COVID-19 at over 32k tests in past 24 hrs, death toll hits 20,013

Bucharest, Feb 23 /Agerpres/ - As many as 3,382 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been recorded in the past 24 hours, following more than 32,000 national tests, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reports Tuesday. These are cases that have not previously had a positive test, the GCS states.

Coronavirus latest: Romania's COVID-19 case count rises by 1,634, death toll at 19,894

A number of 1,634 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been registered in the last 24 hours following 10,000 tests performed nationwide, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reports on Monday. These are all cases that have not previously tested positive, the GCS states. As many as 781,329 cases of people infected with the novel coronavirus had been confirmed in Romania as of Sunday.

Democracy Digest: Lies, Damned Lies and COVID-19 Statistics

The glaring difference in the numbers was, it turns out as reported by the SME daily, the result of the authorities only including data from PCR tests in their reports of positive cases. They ignored data from the rounds of national mass testing done with antigen tests, which found 30,000 active cases in January alone.

Gallup International Balkan: One-Third of Bulgarian Have Already Had Covid-19

A large number of Bulgarians seem to have already been exposed to COVID-19 and recovered. That's according to opinion polls by Gallup International Balkan.

The data are from an independent face-to-face survey, part of the agency's regular program. The survey was conducted 4-12 February among 1,011 adult Bulgarians across the country.

Bulgaria: Year after Pandemic’s Outbreak, How It Changed Our Life

Nearly a year after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, almost every second Bulgarian believes that it has changed not just individual aspects of our daily life, but our overall way of life,  show the results of the latest nationally representative survey of Alpha Research, conducted between 8-15 February among 1,007 adult citizens.

More than 110.000.000 infected

The largest number of infected are in the United States - more than 18 million people, followed by India with almost 11 million infected, and Brazil with 9.9 million.
Russia is on the fourth place in the world and the first in Europe with more than four million cases of COVID-19.

Active infections in Attica total 5,100; ICU occupancy rate at 83 pct

The dispersion rate of the novel coronavirus remains high in Greece, especially in the region of Attica, where active infections total 5,100, a fact that has heightened the concerns of scientists, pediatric infectious diseases doctor Vana Papaevangelou said on Friday.
