Office equipment

The Car Tax Calculator in Sofia is Ready

At the suggestion of Sofia Municipality, Information Services AD has developed an electronic calculator by which every owner of a motor vehicle in Sofia can calculate how much he has to pay for 2019. This was announced by the municipality.

The new formula on which the motor vehicle tax is formed by 2019 includes the year of production, power and environmental standards of the car.

Bulgarian App Measures Harmful Emissions of Each Car Journey

An internet calculator measures the harmful emissions that are released in the environment during trips in cars. This way, in less than a minute, we can understand what is the hidden price that each of us pays for the shortest trip in our own car. The app was developed by a Bulgarian company and is the first of its kind for the country as well as for Europe, reports BNT.

Local market for refurbished electronics grows by 25pct in 2018

The local market for refurbished electronics will increase this year by more than 25pct, mainly due to the lower purchasing price, in some cases by up to half compared to that of new equipment, but also due to their performance, with configurations close to the latest generation, according to a study released on Wednesday for AGERPRES.

200,000 Bulgarian Students will get Lockers and not Carry Heavy Backpacks

State and municipal schools where pupils from the first to the seventh grade are eligible to apply for co-financing for the purchase of school lockers, the Education Ministry said yesterday. The envisaged funds amount to BGN 2.9 million under module "Provision of school lockers" to the national program "Providing a modern educational environment".

For the next school year, half of the schools will have lockers

Education Minister Krasimir Valchev expects half of the students from the first to the seventh grade to have lockers in the schools by autumn. This was made clear by his commentary on the sidelines of parliament. MES allocates BGN 2.9 million for the provision of school lockers in which students hold textbooks and other things for the purpose of lightening the backpacks.
