
Tourism: Athens among the 10 best European destinations - 7.5 million visitors, led by Americans

The best tourist year for the capital, which, according to the data of the official bodies, is among the top 10 destinations in Europe - The poor state of the pavements and squares in the centre of the city is a disadvantage

Mosaic floor found in ancient Side

The Culture and Tourism Ministry announced that a mosaic floor, dating back to the 2nd century B.C., has been discovered in the ancient city of Side in the southern province of Antalya.

The artifact came to light during works carried out within the scope of the ministry's Heritage to the Future Project.

Cultivating a cooler Athens

With Athens at breaking point over the last few days due to the scorching heat, calls are getting louder for simple measures to make it easier for residents to cope.

In comments to Kathimerini, University of Toronto architecture professor Petros Babasikas suggests public fountains, trees and plants in open spaces, rainwater harvesting, car restrictions and bike lanes.

Researchers dig up secrets of 'self-healing' Roman concrete

How have Rome's ancient aqueducts and architectural marvels such as the Pantheon, which features the world's largest unreinforced concrete dome, endured the test of time? Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and other institutions believe they have uncovered the mystery of the durability of the 2,000-year-old structures - self-healing concrete.
