Piraeus B

Poll: ND continues to dominate voting intentions

The ruling New Democracy party maintains a sizable lead over PASOK and SYRIZA, according to a new opinion poll.

Estimated vote intention - after eliminating blank and invalid votes and declared no-shows - gives center-right New Democracy 36.5% of the vote, ahead of socialist PASOK (14.9%), left-wing SYRIZA (13.%), the Communist Party (8.7%) and far-right Greek Solution (8.0%).

ND reaffirms dominance in new poll

The dominance of ruling New Democracy was confirmed by a new poll, which records a widening gap with socialist PASOK and leftist SYRIZA.

According to the survey by Opinion Poll conducted on behalf of Action24, center-right ND garnered 38.6% and a lead of 23.1 points over PASOK with 15.5%. SYRIZA was in third place with 13.4%, while New Left, which split from SYRIZA, got 2.6%.

Tsipras “gift” to pensioners passes in parliament with 196 votes

The Greek Parliament passed an amendment providing a bonus financial benefit to pensioners with 196 Yes votes, after the amendments was backed by the government majority (SYRIZA-ANEL) as well as the communists (KKE), extreme right Golden Dawn (GD) and the Democratic Alignment. 61 New Democracy (ND) MPs voted “Present”, while “To Potami” and “Union Centrists” deputies abstained.

Watch Live: Discussion on bill concerning same-sex partnership

An ideological rift between the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) ruling party and its junior coalition party member Independent Greeks (ANEL) has resulted following the submission of the bill that allows for same-sex partnership rights. ANEL’s position is to vote against the first 14 articles of the bill that give the LGBT community the same legal rights as heterosexual couples.

Omnibus bill on 2nd set of prior actions passed with 153 votes in favor

The multi-bill on the second set of prior actions Greece needs to complete in order to receive the first part of its bailout loan passed in Parliament early on Friday morning with the votes of the coalition government of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) and junior member Independent Greeks (ANEL). The rest of the parties voted against it.
