Politics of Cyprus

Turkey should avoid arguments with Turkish Cyprus' new leadership

A new era began in northern Cyprus on April 26 with the election of Mustafa Ak?nc? as president of Turkish Cyprus. Not because Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an slammed Ak?nc? over his description of his country?s relationship with Turkey as ?two equal brothers? instead of ?motherland and babyland,?

Presidents of Two Cypriot Republics to Meet, Revive Reconciliation

The President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades and his newly elected Turkish Cypriot counterpart Mustafa Akinci will meet on Saturday in attempt to revive talks on possible reconciliation.

It is expected that the two presidents will discuss the resumption of negotiations ahead of a new round of UN-mediated talks on reunification of the divided island.

Greek, Turkish Cypriot leaders to discuss ways to end conflict

Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades will meet newly elected Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Ak?nc? on May 2 to push stalled peace talks forward, a Greek Cypriot government spokesman said on April 28.

Nikos Christodoulides also said the Greek Cypriot community was poised to announce "unilateral confidence building measures" towards Turkish Cypriots. 

Kerry says Cyprus dispute begging for a solution

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday that the division of Cyprus was begging for an international solution and progress in peace talks was possible this year.

Speaking before a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu at the State Department, Kerry said the dispute over ethnically split Cyprus had gone on for too long.
