Politics of Venezuela

Greek opposition urges gov't to clarify position on Maduro

Greece's conservative opposition has urged the country's left-led administration to clarify its position on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro following reports in the foreign press that Athens has resisted calls by other EU member states for European sanctions against the South American country's socialist government.

Venezuela‘s Maduro claims victory in vote to grant socialist party unlimited powers

Venezuela’s National Electoral Council has said more than eight million people voted to grant President Nicolas Maduro’s ruling socialist party virtually unlimited powers with a constitutional assembly – a turnout more than double the estimates of both the government’s political opponents and independent experts.

French Airlines Grounds Venezuela Flights Ahead of Controversial Vote

Air France halted flights to Venezuela ahead of a legislative vote that has led to violent protests across the country, reported SputnikNews.

French flag carrier Air France on Friday halted flights to Venezuela ahead of a legislative vote that has led to violent protests across the country.

Chaos in Venezuela: 5 people killed in protests against Maduro

At least five people were killed in renewed clashes between police and protesters in Venezuela, where a 48-hour strike called for by the opposition is taking place.
The Venezuela prosecutor’s office said a 49-year-old man was killed during a protest in Carabobo state and a 16-year old died in El Paraiso, Caracas on Thursday.
