Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Spare us the wisecracks

Of course we would expect to be informed about the prime minister's and his associates' daily diet if we were paying for it, but since we assume that they use their own money to buy their groceries, what they eat is their own business.

Bulgaria's Interim Govt Passes New Cabinet Structure

During their first cabinet meeting, the caretaker ministers of Bulgaria have agreed on a new structure of the government and have been assigned several tasks.

There will be four Deputy Prime Ministers in the interim government, the same number as in the previous cabinet, according to the list of decisions sent by the government's press office.

Democratic Alignment brings Gerovasili’s case in the Parliament


Democratic Alignment’s MPs have brought the case of minister Olga Gerovasili in the Parliament with an official question they submitted today.


In their question they are asking for all the relevant documents and contracts that the minister have signed with the State and they ask the ministers of Health and Economics if these contracts will be canceled or not.

UK's Johnson Under Fresh Fire Over Serbia Trip

The British government's code of conduct declares ministers must ensure "that no conflict arises, or appears to rise, between their public duties and their private interests".

Labour MPs say Johnson used a visit to the Geca Kon Belgrade bookstore, held officially to discuss press freedom, to promote "The Churchill Factor," his book on Britain's wartime premier.

Borisov: Let Reformists Find Their Own Prime Minister

Two days after he admitted the possibility of a new government within the framework of the 43rd Parliament with the mandate of the Reformist Bloc, outgoing Prime Minister and leader of GERB Boyko Borisov rejected adamantly the possibility of him being Prime Minister or of his party participating in the government with ministers.
