Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Instant analysis | Necessary measures for the common good

War calls for discipline, speed, readiness and effectiveness. And the country, like the whole of the planet, finds itself in a state of war. A war where the odds could prove stacked against us.

It is incumbent upon all of us - leaders, opinion influencers and citizens - to do what is humanly possible to win the war.

Instant analysis: necessary measures for the common good

War calls for discipline, speed, readiness and effectiveness. And the country, like the whole of the planet, finds itself in a state of war. A war where the odds could prove stacked against us.

It is incumbent upon all of us - leaders, opinion influencers and citizens - to do what is humanly possible to win the war.

Government reached decision: Schools won't be closed; Experts: Did it work in Italy?

"The president insisted that we consider this decision once again. I made that proposal - my opinion is that we should do it.
The profession's view is that there is no professional justification or professional basis for closing schools, kindergartens and colleges. At this point, it would be counterproductive", she states.

Bulgaria is in a State of Emergency from Today until April 13

The National Assembly has urgently accepted the government's proposal to introduce a state of emergency in the country due to the spread of the coronavirus. From today until April 13.

The Prime Minister, cabinet ministers and the head of the National Operations Headquarters Professor Mutafchiiski are in the room.

UPDATE Citu: We will submit Cabinet list and governing programme to Parliament today

Prime Minister-designate Florin Citu announced that on Friday the Cabinet list and the Government programme will be submitted to Parliament. "We will submit today in Parliament the Cabinet list and the governing programme," said Citu, mentioning that the only modification to the cabinet is the proposal of Lucian Heius to the Finance Ministry.
