PPC signs MoU with RWE on green energy

Public Power Corporation (PPC) is in close cooperation with Germany's RWE, one of the world's biggest companies in the renewable energy sources sector, both for the development of the ambitious plan the Greek utility has drafted for its expansion into RES and for the government's implementation of a decarbonization plan.

Carbon Tracker Initiative sees losses for PPC

The think tank Carbon Tracker Initiative reported on Thursday that four in five coal plants in the European Union were unprofitable and utilities faced losses of nearly 6.6 billion euros this year.
German utility RWE faces the biggest losses this year, of 975 million euros, which is 6 percent of its market capitalization, according to the report.

Balkan Gas Hub: Bulgaria Plans to Keep Ownership of Grid

Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev has said the state intends on retaining the ownership of the existing gas infrastructure despite offering a joint venture for the so-called Balkan Gas Hub project.

Some 50% of the new company's shares will be put up for sale. The new entity will be a subsidiary of Bulgartransgaz, the state-owned gas grid operator.

Die Presse: OMV May be Planning 'Russian Nabucco' Gas Pipeline

The future head of Austria's OMV Rainer Seele appears to be planning a new route for Russian gas to Europe bypassing Ukraine jointly with Gazprom, according to Austrian newspaper Die Presse.

Seele will take the helm at one of the most powerful energy companies in central Europe on 1 July to replace OMV's current CEO Gerhard Roiss, who is set to step down at the end of June.
