Serial drama television series

Kelly from 90’s “Beverly Hills” TV today! (photos)

For those that grew up in the 90’s the TV series “Beverly Hills, 90210” had a special place in their hearts. The TV series lasted for 10 years from 1990-2000 and featured some actors that became iconic figures of the youth growing up in the decade. One of the central female characters was Kelly (Jennie Garth) who was the beautiful blonde (among all the other beauties).

Game of Thrones season 7 new costumes! (photos-videos)

The 7th season of HBO’s hugely successful fantasy TV series “Game of Thrones” might be due to air in July, but the the TV network is giving impatient fans snippets of information and teasers just to keep them “warmed up”. This time HBO released some photos showing the heroes wearing their new costumes or the upcoming season that a different from season 6.

HBO releases GOT photos (no spoilers)

HBO released 16 photos of episode 3, season 6 of its mega hit TV series ‘Game of Thrones’, scheduled to air Monday. For those reading on, do not fear! There are no spoilers, since the photos do not offer any clues as to what will unfold in the episode. So here are some ‘innocuous’ appetisers for the fans.

Remember Heather Locklear? Meet her sexy daughter Ava (pics)

Heather Locklear is an American actress known for her roles as Amanda in the American hit TV series ‘Melrose Place’, while some older people might even remember her in the 80’s huge hit ‘Dynasty’. The 54 year-old actress has a beautiful daughter named Ava with her spouse Richie Sambora. The lovely Ava recently turned 18 and she has definitely has her mother’s genes.

Tori Spelling reveals the second co-star she had sex with

On Saturday’s episode of Lifetime’s “Tori Spelling: Celebrity Lie Detector”, Tori Spelling revealed that she slept with two co-stars on Beverly Hills, 90210.

She first said only about Austin Green commenting “Yeah, I just got chills. I was a young girl,” and refused to reveal the second one.
