
EWL President: Protection of Women Is Not Radical Feminism

"Discrimination works like a poison," she says, alluding to her own experiences as a teacher in Hungary, when she was struck by the racist and sexist remarks directed to Roma or half-black students by fellow classmates.

"It was a real challenge learning how to handle it," the energetic forty-something woman admits.

‘Patriarchy murders’: Women protest against femicide in Syntagma Square

'Patriarchy murders': Women protest against femicide in Syntagma Square

In the aftermath of the confessed, cold-blooded murder of 20-year-old Caroline Crouch by her husband Babis Anagnostopoulos, a pilot, women's organisations held a demonstration today in Syntagma Square calling for the establishment of the term femicide as a distinct crime.

Schools not safe spaces for LGBT students, survey shows

Ljubljana – The results of a survey by Legebitra, an advocacy group for LGBTI rights, have shown that schools are not safe spaces for members of the LGBT community. One in four LGBT students reported of having often heard homophobic remarks at school, and in more than half of the cases, school staff did not intervene.
