Single Supervisory Mechanism

EU banks watchdog calls for fast solution on Greece

The head of Europe?s banking supervisory authority, Daniele Nouy, on Tuesday called for a rapid solution to Greece?s debt problems in order to reduce the uncertainty for the banking sector.

Nouy, who heads the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), told a hearing before the European Parliament that the Greek banks have ?a much better solvency situation than in previous years.?

ECB can veto bank appointments

By Yiannis Papadoyiannis

The European Central Bank (ECB) has issued a terse warning to Greek banks, and particularly to the government in Athens, via its Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), over plans to overhaul lenders? management. In a letter to Greek banks, the SSM stressed that any changes to their management can be implemented only after receiving the SSM?s approval.

Clean bill of health for Greek banks from stress tests

Greek banks received what amounts to a virtually clean bill of health from the European Central Bank, as the results of the stress tests Frankfurt performed on the four systemic lenders of this country showed on Sunday that Alpha and Piraeus have completed the exercise successfully through their dynamic picture, and only Eurobank and National need to cover the negligible amount of 291 million e
