Social Security

Contribution reduction for freelancers

Freelance workers who get paid by one or two employers through invoice books for services rendered (known as "blokakia") will now pay the same amount in social security contributions as salary workers, according to a circular released on Tuesday by the Labor Ministry in an effort to tackle the major practical problems generated by (as well as the huge reaction to) recent legislation.

Gov't measure to help young scientists is proving a trap

Last year's announcement by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras about reduced social security contributions by young scientists for their first five years at work is proving a trap: After the expiry of the five years they will have to pay retroactively and with interest all the contributions they did not pay in the first five-year period of their career, according to a circular issued on Tuesday by t

Circular adds to burden on self-employed

A circular issued on Friday by the Labor and Social Security Ministry, intended to clarify the social security contributions of self-employed professionals, introduces changes that will likely result in income reduction and even loss of work for some 250,000 people paid through invoices for services rendered (known in Greek as "blokaki") by up to two employers.

EFKA takings on the brink of crumbling

In view of the clear and present danger that the revenues of the new Single Social Security Entity (EFKA) will crumble due to the excessive contribution-and-tax burden on hundreds of thousands of self-employed professionals and farmers, the Labor Ministry is seeking a lifeline in the revenues of the former Social Security Foundation (IKA) and the Social Security Debt Collection Center (KEAO).

EFKA gets off to problematic start

The new Single Social Security Entity (EFKA) has started operating even though various issues are still outstanding and with deficits that add up to more than 1 billion euros, as the fund that has absorbed all social security funds has not only been bequeathed 4.2 million worker-members and 2.6 million pensioners, but also the problems and the obstacles of the past.

Ranks of self-employed to swell

Most self-employed professionals will have to pay higher social security contributions from next month, as will many shareholders, as changes planned by the government were sealed with the issue of two circulars by the Labor Ministry in the last few hours of 2016.
