South Caucasus Pipeline

World Bank OKs USD 800 M Loan for TANAP Gas Project

The World Bank gas granted a total of USD 800 M in loans to Turkey and Azerbaijan for the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP), Anadolu Agency reports.

The 1850-km pipe is part of the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC), aimed at pumping Azerbaijan's gas into Turkey and further on to Europe.

The lender has granted USD 400 M to Turkey and the same amount to Azerbaijan.

TANAP Construction to Be Halfway Through by End-2016

Fifty-five percent of The Trans-Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) will have been constructed by the end of the year, Turkey's Energy Minister Berat Albayrak

Daily Sabah quotes him as saying that Turkey is successfully moving toward the creation of an energy hub and successfully pursuing a policy of energy diversification.

BP refutes claims about exiting Turkish market

BP has never had a plan to exit the Turkish market, a top company official has said on the sidelines of the World Energy Congress in Istanbul, refuting earlier reports.  

"We have never had a plan about exiting Turkey. Conversely, we plan to grow more in this market," BP's Downstream CEO Tufan Erginbilgiç told reporters on Oct. 12. 

World Bank, European Investment Bank set to invest in TANAP: Sources

The World Bank and the European Investment Bank are set to invest $1 billion and 1 billion euros, respectively, in the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project (TANAP) project, according to sources close to the matter. 

The TANAP project envisages gas transportation from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz II field through Turkey and up to the country's border with Europe.

Future impact of pipeline attacks may be devastating for Turkey

A number of explosions have hit important energy pipelines in eastern and southeastern Turkey over the past month. Unless the required measures are taken to halt such attacks, they will have a devastating impact on Turkey?s strategic target of becoming a reliable energy corridor or energy hub in the future. 
