Space tourism

SpaceX's Secret Satellite Crashed Before Reaching Orbit

The secret government-owned Zuma satellite launched on Sunday by Space X did not reach the expected orbit and collapsed falling into the ocean, according to Reuters, reported on Monday. According to them, the classified satellite has not been able to detach from the second stage of Falcon 9 and as a result has broken or sunk deep into the sea.

China will Build a Reusable Space Shuttle

In line with its space program, the Chinese space agency plans to build a reuseable missile, super-heavy rocket and space shuttle over the next 20 years.

The first goal is Next Generation Chanchion to be launched by 2020. Its purpose is to use it as a cheap light rocket to extract relatively small satellites in low-Earth orbit.

Elon Musk is Aiming to Land Spaceships on Mars in 2022

Elon Musk just unveiled more of his grand plan for colonizing Mars, reported BBC.

The hard-charging tech mogul said his rocket company, SpaceX, aims to land at least two cargo ships on the Red Planet in 2022 in order to place power, mining and life support systems there for future flights.

That's just five years from now.

Private firms drive 'new space race'

For the first time since the retirement of the space shuttle in 2011, NASA says it may soon have the capability to send astronauts to the International Space Station from U.S. soil.

Critical milestones are on the horizon for Boeing and SpaceX, the space agency's commercial crew partners: Flight tests of their spacecraft, including crewed missions, are planned for 2018.
