States of Germany

Documenta's gift to Greece

Documenta 14's 100 days in Athens come to an end on Sunday. The international art event, which is based in Kassel and crossed German borders for the first time in his lengthy history to be cohosted by another European city, provoked waves of antipathy, despair from ideologically diverse camps and ridiculous amounts of criticism, but also praise and acceptance - albeit to a lesser extent.

Internal dossier criticises Audi top management: Bild

German luxury carmaker Audi's management board, including Chief Executive Rupert Stadler, has been sharply criticized by company managers, Bild am Sonntag reported on June 25, citing an internal dossier.

It said the executive board had shown no signals of a fresh start, change or readiness for the future, and that workers were frustrated with "disastrous" indecisiveness.

Athens mayor in Kassel for documenta14 phase two

Athens Mayor Giorgos Kaminis will attend Saturday's launch of documenta 14 in the German city of Kassel, the traditional home of the art exhibition, where it is to run until September 17.

For the first time in the exhibition's 60-year history, documenta was held outside its traditional home, premiering in Athens on April 8, where it is to continue until July 16.

From Parthenon of banned books to pipe homes of refugees - documenta 14 kicks off in Kassel

A life-sized model of the Greek Parthenon - covered in forbidden books donated from around the world - stands in central Kassel right where Nazis once burned banned books.

It is a centerpiece of Germany's biggest contemporary art exhibit, documenta 14.
