Taxation in Bulgaria

Time's Up: Last Call for Tax Returns in Bulgaria

As the clock ticks down to midnight tonight, Bulgarians are reminded that April 30th marks the final day for filing their 2023 personal income tax returns. For those utilizing electronic services, the deadline is midnight, while those opting for paper submissions at revenue agency offices must do so by 5:30 pm.

Tax Authorities have Collected BGN 4 million from Properties Rented through Airbnb

Over BGN 4 million in income has been declared by owners who provide real estate to accommodate tourists through the Airbnb platform, the National Revenue Agency announced. Income taxation of this activity was introduced in February 2020 - about a month before a state of emergency was declared in Bulgaria due to the pandemic, which effectively put tourism on hold.

National Revenue Agency: Tax Campaign in Bulgaria Launched

Today, 11 January the tax campaign for physical persons' incomes received in 2020 has been launched, reminds the National Revenue Agency.

The declaration and payment of income taxes received last year can be made electronically - via personal identification code or electronic signature, or on paper - either by post or physically in an office of the revenue agency.

NRA Campaign For Tax Returns Submission Starts on January 10

Individuals can submit their annual income tax return for 2018 from January 10, the National Revenue Agency reported on 3rd of January, reported BNT.

The tax returns can be submitted via the electronic service and in paper at the NRA offices.

Submission of corporate tax returns for 2018 through the NRA electronic service will also start on January 10th.

The Business will Save over BGN 1.1 Million after Changes in the Tax Code

Over BGN 1.1 million will save the business annually from one of the proposed amendments to the Tax and Insurance Procedure Code (TSPC), which are published by the Ministry of Finance for public discussion. This was announced by the National Revenue Service (NRA).
