
The quest for peace

"In the beginning there was only Chaos, the Abyss. But then Gaia, the Earth, came into being… From the Abyss were born Erebos and dark Night. And Night, pregnant after sweet intercourse with Erebos, gave birth to Aether and Day…" Placed before Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey," Hesiod's "Theogony" begins with Αbyss, Erebos and Chaos. At the end, Zeus introduces Peace, Law and Justice.

Theogony | Athens | To June 11

The story of the birth of the world in an adaptation for children of Hesiod's poem "Theogony" is being staged at the Mpip Theater in the Athens neighborhood of Kypseli every weekend in May and the first weekend in June. The show is geared toward the entertainment and education of children and explores the history of the birth of the world through the teachings of ancient Greek mythology.