
Region "needs money, not seminars" from EU - PM

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said in Albania on Thursday that "regional countries must work on joint infrastructure projects and seek support from the EU."

He was addressing "Tirana Talks" of the Vienna Economic Forum, where prime ministers of Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and also Kosovo are taking part.

Serbian, Albanian PMs Agree to Disagree on Kosovo, Seek Closer Cooperation

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and his Albanian counterpart Edi Rama agreed to disagree on Kosovo and sought closer cooperation between their countries.

This happened at the meeting of the two leaders on Wednesday, which is part of the two-day visit of Vucic to Tirana, Tanjug news agency reports.

PM meets with representatives of Serb minority in Albania

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday in Tirana "vowed his government's support for ensuring a better social status of the Serb minority in Albania."

He also promised "a simplification of the procedure for taking Serbian citizenship," the government's media relations office said, as quoted by Tanjug.

Albania’s Rama: We won’t negotiate nat’l interests for sake of good-neighborly ties

Albanian PM Edi Rama on Wednesday fielded a question on relations with Greece and the recently emerged issue that Tirana tabled regarding the delineation of maritime borders in the Ionian Sea.
Rama answered the press question as he appeared with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic at a press conference. Vucic is on a closely watched on a two-day visit to Tirana.

Vucic, Meta on cooperation, direct Belgrade-Tirana flights

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic met with Albanian Parliament Speaker Ilir Meta in Tirana Wednesday to discuss relations between the two countries.

They also spoke about "ways to improve economic cooperation, including establishing direct flights between Belgrade and Tirana," Tanjug reported.

Serbian Prime minister meets with Albanian counterpart Edi Rama

Serbian Prime minister meets with Albanian counterpart Edi Rama

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has said that the differences between Serbia and Albania have to do with "the stance on Kosovo."

He made the comment after his meeting in Tirana with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.


Albanian, Serbian, PMs Mend Fences in Tirana

On a historic trip to Albania by the Serbian Prime Minister on Wednesday, the two sides underlined the importance of regional cooperation and agreed to disagree on the independence of the former Serbian province of Kosovo.

Vucic arrived in Tirana on Wednesday morning and was welcomed at the airport by Deputy Prime Minister Niko Peleshi.
