Turkish nationalists

Erdogan to attend Euro 2024 match in Berlin as diplomatic row spirals

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has canceled his scheduled visit to Azerbaijan to instead attend the Euro 2024 quarterfinal match in Berlin between Türkiye and the Netherlands on July 6.

The president was initially slated to attend the Organization of Turkic States summit in the Shusha city on the same day. Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz is expected to attend the event.

Marking 100th year of Turkish-Czech friendship

I am very happy to visit Ankara exactly one hundred years since our countries entered diplomatic relations. For me, this is a great opportunity to pay homage to our Presidents and founding fathers, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, who oversaw the birth of our friendship treaty and diplomatic relations in 1924.

Kurtulmuş plans October talks on constitutional proposal

Contextual discussions on the government's long-pending proposal for a new constitution will commence in October, Parliament Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş has announced amid a flurry of negotiations with political parties.

Kurtulmuş concluded his inaugural round of consultations with representatives from various parties.

İYİ Party elects Müsavat Dervişoğlu as new chairman

The İYİ (Good) Party has elected Müsavat Dervişoğlu as its new chairman during a party congress held in the wake of recent electoral setback.

Dervişoğlu, who serves as the party's deputy parliamentary leader and represents İzmir in the parliament, emerged victorious in the leadership election with 611 votes.
