Wealth tax

Property transaction probe is starting

The first of the two new Capital Taxation Centers (KEFOK), which undertakes to ensure the effective taxation and control of real estate, is to be activated on Monday. Their monitoring is leaving the local tax offices and all orders to them will be given centrally.

In the past, there were many cases of different interpretations, as well as glaring cases of mistakes by tax officials.

Billionaires’ share of global wealth soars during pandemic

The share of global wealth of the world's richest people soared at a record pace during the Covid pandemic, a report on inequality showed on Dec. 7.    

Since 1995, the slice held by billionaires has risen from one percent to three percent, according to the World Inequality Report.    

17 rich indidivuals to have assets seized

17 individuals’ assets will be seized after an order issued by the Financial prosecutor, based on data from the Center of Great Wealth Taxation, arising from finance checks performed on people with large deposits.


The checks concern a total of 49 people and are based on banking finance moves they have performed between 2000-2012.