
Southern Europe most vulnerable to climate change impacts, expert study warns

Southern Europe is already hurting and will hurt even more in the years to come from rising temperature, less rainfall, coastal erosion and floods, the European Environment Agency (EEA) warns in its first European Climate Risk Assessment report published earlier this month.

Expert calls for villages to be moved due to landslides

The state should consider moving certain mountain settlements to a different location instead of investing in expensive anti-erosion works, says Efthymis Lekkas, professor of dynamic tectonic applied geology at Athens University and head of the Organization of Earthquake Planning and Protection.

Curbing land degradation key to ending desertification

The first thing to be done in the fight against desertification is to prevent land degradation and then engage in restoration that rehabilitates the destroyed land, experts said. Caused primarily by human activities and climatic variations, desertification directly affects human life and the sustainability of the planet.
