Speaker meets with Federation Council chairwoman

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Speaker meets with Federation Council chairwoman

MOSCOW -- Russia and Serbia "are committed to further improvement of cooperation, especially on the inter-parliamentary level and in the field of economy."

This was heard in Moscow on Tuesday from the Chairwoman of the Federation Council - Russia's upper house of parliament - Valentina Matviyenko, and visiting Serbian Assembly President Speaker Maja Gojkovic.

According to Tanjug, Matviyenko underlined that the visit of the Serbian parliament speaker to Moscow is an important impetus for the two countries' parliamentary cooperation.

Matviyenko said that the economic relations are on an upward trajectory and there is still much room for their further improvement, adding that further liberalization is being considered as part of the free trade regime and increase in investments.

"There are possibilities for the development of cooperation with Serbia in the field of energy despite the abandonment of the South Stream gas pipeline project," she said.

Gojkovic "agreed that there is room for improving the economic cooperation and stressed that the Serbian parliament will support the development of these relations."

She advocated the promotion of inter-parliamentary cooperation on the level of working bodies and friendship groups in the framework of the agreement on inter-parliamentary cooperation, said a statement from her office.

Gojkovic on Monday with Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Naryshkin, and then addressed the deputies at the Duma, Tanjug reported.

Russia's TASS agency said that Valentina Matviyenko on Tuesday thanked Serbia for its principled position and refusal to join the anti-Russian sanctions despite all...

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