Republika Srpska

Dodik summoned for questioning

SARAJEVO - Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik has been summoned for questioning as a suspect over the holding of Sunday's Republika Srpska Day referendum, the Fena news agency reported Monday.

The Prosecutor's Office confirmed to Fena Dodik had been summoned to testify in a case of non-execution of a decision of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosnian Serbs Overwhelmingly Vote to Keep Banned Statehood Day

Voters in Bosnia-Herzegovina's entity of Republika Srpska have defied a ruling by the country's top court which bans celebrations in the region on January 09, according to local media.

In a referendum held on Sunday, an overwhelming 99.79% of voters have replied with a "yes" when asked whether or not to celebrate their annual "statehood" holiday, Balkan Insight reports.

Nikolic lays wreath at Serbian military cemetery in Bitola

BITOLA - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic on Friday laid a wreath at the Serbian military cemetery in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, as part of the centenary commemorations of the WWI Battle of Kajmakcalan.

Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik also laid a wreath at the final resting place of 1,321 Serbian soldiers who fell in the Balkan Wars and WWI.

Dodik to travel to Moscow three days before referendum

BANJALUKA - Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Thursday, September 22 - three days before the Republika Srpska Day referendum.

Dusko Perovic, the head of the Republika Srpska representative office in Moscow, said Putin's office had confirmed the meeting would be held on September 22, the RTRS reported.
