News Agency

Lawyer appeals sentences of policemen convicted in Korkmaz killing

The lawyer for two police officers who were convicted of killing of 19-year-old Gezi protester Ali ?smail Korkmaz has appealed a court decision that sentenced them to 10 years in prison.

The lawyer reportedly submitted a petition to the Supreme Court of Appeals on Jan. 23, demanding a reversal of the judgment and the release of the officers, according to Hürriyet.

Spain to suspend 'Alliance of Civilizations' activity: Report

Spain will reportedly suspend its activities in the "Alliance of Civilizations," jointly launched by Turkey and Spain in 2005.

The Spanish government has issued an order to not to give importance to the meetings, Do?an News Agency reported, arguing that the initiative" has lost its significance."

Five prosecutors involved in Turkish intelligence trucks search removed from duty

Five public prosecutors involved in the stopping and searching of National Intelligence Organization (M?T) trucks in January 2013 have been removed from their duties by the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK), on the grounds of the "safety of investigations and not harming the judiciary's influence or reputation."
