ID Papers Forgery Ring Busted in Bulgaria - Prosecutor General

"Illicit trade in forged US and Bulgarian ID documents has been intercepted," Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev wrote on Twitter.

The operation was carried out by the Prosecutor's Office and the GDBOP (organized crime task force) and targeted crimes in cyberspace.

The Prosecutor General also noted that "fighting cybercrime is a challenge that we successfully tackle."

Bulgaria: Business Will Have Breath of Air in Pandemic, New Aid Program Is Worth BGN 78 M

Bulgaria's government launches a new measure to support business in time of crisis. It is worth over BGN 78 million. From today until March 15, small companies with an annual turnover of over BGN 500,000 in 2019may apply for aid. The other requirement is that the business has a drop in turnover of at least 20% in 2020 compared to the previous year.

Maya Manolova: Borissov Costs Bulgaria BGN 1 Billion Due to Delayed Vaccination

In the remaining 10 weeks, until the change of government, Borissov will cost 1 billion euros. management decision not to purchase EUR 3 million. covid-19 vaccines. According to economists, Bulgaria's economy is currently losing 100 million euros every week due to vaccination delay.

Bulgaria's Trade Deficit Shrinks by Nearly 31% in 2020

The deficit in Bulgaria's foreign trade last year amounted to BGN 5.202 billion, according to preliminary data from the National Statistical Institute (NSI).

For comparison, in the period from January to December 2019 the foreign trade balance (exports FOB - imports CIF) was in the red by BGN 7.530 billion, which means that the decrease is nearly 31%.

Bulgarian Government Secretly Awards National Celebs with Over BGN 1 Million

The cabinet took an extremely curious secret decision at its last regular sitting, our enquiry shows. The Council of Ministers proposes to the National Assembly to award cash prizes payable within the term of three years to 65 persons for "special merits to the Bulgarian state and the nation". It's mainly about musicians, but also poets and composers.

Bulgaria: Growing Cost of Living Makes People Pinch on Education, Healthcare

According to the recent statistical data, BGN 2,542 is the monthly cost of living of a 4-member household with two adults and two children, or BGN 635 per person, shows the new report of the Institute for Social and Trade Union Studies with the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB).

Bulgaria: Ministry of Environment Slaps Stiff Fines on Polluting Mayors

Seventy-five mayors in Bulgaria have been penalized for polluting environment with urban waste, shows the information of the Ministry of Environment and Water concerning the control activities of Ministry's 15 regional inspectorates ensuing from the Waste Management Act.

Bulgaria’s Premier: We Don’t Spend Money on Tanks and Aircraft Only, We Also Build Education Infrastructure

Even in the face of the crisis, we have managed to find money not only for financing measures to support businesses and people, for medics on the frontline, for the purchase of vaccines and equipment for hospitals, but we also continue to invest in education infrastructure, stated Prime Minister Boyko Borissov at a regular cabinet sitting today.
