Bulgarian Minister of Labor: State Will Further Support Pensioners and Families with Children

In April, Bulgarian retirees with a pension ranging from BGN 300.01 up to BGN 369, which is392 000 people, will receive additional BGN 120 for food. That would cost the state budget about BGN 47 million. With this BGN 120 they will have the opportunity to buy whatever they need, the money is targeted specifically for food products.

Bulgaria: Increase of Minimum Salary and Pensions from Today

From January first  minimum salary is BGN 650 - increase with BGN 40. Salaries for government officials will be increased by 10%.

 For the entire 2021, funds are planned to ensure a 30% increase from 1 August 2020 in the salaries of the administrations, which are charged with activities to control the pandemic and the consequences of COVID-19.

The Ins and Outs of Bulgarian Parliament

„It was quite difficult to collect information about the work of the National Assembly during the outgoing year but it is extremely important on the eve of the parliamentary election," told the Bulgarian National Radio Iva Lazarova from the Institute for Public Environment Development commenting on what the lawmakers have done and how much money they've spent in 2020.

Bulgarian Tourism Expects BGN 100 Million in Government Support

"If the lockdown remains until the end of January, we expect the government to take a decision and allocate BGN 100 million to cover the damage inflicted to tourism by the end of January, because as yesterday the government made a very good decision to help tour operators with BGN 56 million, now it is good time to make a decision for hoteliers and restaurateurs as well, "said for "Before All"

Bulgaria: Quiet Student Holiday But Not in Guest Houses

Today's Student Holiday is definitely different - because of the coronavirus pandemic the Students' town in Sofia looks deserted, pubs, bars, discos are closed. There will be raids for unregulated gatherings not only in the capital, but mainly in the resorts across the country today and on Wednesday.
