
Weather in Bulgaria: Rainfall and Wind with Max Temp Between 11°-16°C

Today it will be cloudy, rainy and windy. Rainfall will cover the country, in places in Western and Central Bulgaria the quantities will be significant. The wind will be moderate, along the Danube and in Eastern Bulgaria - temporarily strong wind from east-northeast. Maximum temperatures will be between 11°-16° Celsius.

Rain in Southwestern Bulgaria Today

Today from the west the clouds will increase, in the afternoon they will be significant. In the extreme southwestern regions and on the Black Sea coast it will rain, in some places, there will be thunder. A moderate, temporarily strong wind from East-Northeast will blow in Eastern Bulgaria. Maximum temperatures across the country will be between 22° and 27° Celsius.

Bulgaria: Cloudy with Light Rain Today

Today, the passage of a cold atmospheric front in some places from northwest to southeast will cause rain and thunder, mostly in southern Bulgaria.

The weather in the Rila-Rhodope region will be more intense. The wind from west-northwest will intensify, in the Danube plain it will be strong and with it cooler air. Maximum temperatures will be between 23° and 28° Celsius.

Weather in Bulgaria: Heat and Rain over Southern Bulgaria

It will be sunny over the country. In the afternoon there will be temporary increases in cloudiness and in some places in Central Bulgaria and in the mountainous regions of the South, it will rain and thunder. The wind will be light to moderate, in the western part of the country from west-northwest, and in the eastern regions it will gradually orient from the northeast.
