
Weather in Bulgaria: Cloudy with Rains in the Afternoon and Max. Temperatures 10°-15°C

Today before noon, with a cold front approaching the country, the southwest wind will intensify and warm even more, but the clouds will increase rapidly. This was announced for FOCUS News Agency by the weather forecaster on duty from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology Hristo Hristov.

Thousands of flights canceled as Eastern US braces for winter storm

Thousands of flights in the United States were canceled on Jan. 29 as parts of the East Coast braced for a shellacking by a powerful winter storm packing heavy snow and high winds.

Places in the North East, including New York and Boston, were expected to bear the brunt of the far-reaching system, which is also predicted to pummel the Mid-Atlantic.

Weather in Bulgaria: Cold and Windy with Max. Temperatures between Minus 5°C and 0°C

Today it will remain mostly cloudy and windy with moderate, in the eastern half of the country and temporarily strong wind from the north-northeast. Cold air will invade with it. This was announced for FOCUS News Agency by the weather forecaster on duty at the National Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology Boryana Markova.
