War in Donbas

Day 131 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Zelensky promised to take back Lysychansk

Here are the highlights of events related to the war in Ukraine over the past 24 hours:

The loss of Lysychansk

Ukraine has acknowledged that its military has withdrawn from the Donbas city of Lysychansk. President Volodymyr Zelensky promised that control over the area would be restored.

Russia plans evacuations from chemical plant in battleground Ukraine city

Russia said it would establish a humanitarian corridor to evacuate civilians from a chemical plant in Severodonetsk starting Wednesday as Ukrainian forces wage a desperate battle for control of the city.

The industrial hub is under intense bombardment as Russia focuses its offensive on the eastern Donbas region in an effort to seize a swathe of Ukraine.

Govt parties reserved about both Ukraine war appeals

Ljubljana – The coalition Freedom Movement and the Left are reserved about both appeals public figures have addressed to the government regarding Slovenia’s stance on the war in Ukraine, while the two opposition parties have expressed unequivocal support for today’s cross-partisan open letter calling for stronger support for Ukraine.
