War in Donbas

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine enters 100th day as fighting rages

Ukraine marked 100 days since Russia's invasion on Friday with fighting raging across the east of the country, where Moscow's forces are tightening their grip on the Donbas region.

The sombre milestone came as Kiev announced Moscow was now in control of a fifth of Ukrainian territory, including Crimea and parts of Donbas seized in 2014.

Russia announced: Mariupol is under our control

Shoigu stated that peaceful life is being established on the territories of the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics (LNR / DNR) and Ukraine, which are under the control of Russian forces.
He pointed out that the Russian forces, together with the units of the self-proclaimed LNR and DNR, are expanding their control over those territories, RIA Novosti reports.

Russian oligarch Malofeev: New sanctions from the USA with reference to activities in Greece

The new round of US sanctions on the war in Ukraine is targeting a major Russian commercial bank and a "global network" of more than 40 individuals and entities.

According to the announcement of the US Treasury Department, the specific network was under the leadership of the Russian oligarch, Konstantin Malofeev, whose activities had extended to Greece.
