

The AKP's diplomacy

Turkey is a country fond of setting negative records like having the largest number of journalists in prison, being one of the champions in violence against women, or being the country that has tried to close down You Tube or Twitter the most. 

Ankara mayor Gökçek to file lawsuit against HDP leader Demirta?

Peoples? Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Selahattin Demirta? has accused Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek of having private camera recordings of his party friends, which have allowed him to stay mayor for a long period of time. 

Gökçek, from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), said on April 26 he will file a lawsuit against Demirta? and called on him to prove his claims. 

Turkish state lender Ziraat to open first foreign bank branch in Ethiopia

Turkey's largest state-owned lender, Ziraat Bank, has proposed opening the first foreign-owned bank branch in Ethiopia, Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci has said.

Speaking at the Turkey-Ethiopia Business Forum in Ankara on April 27, Zeybekci said Turkish lender Ziraat Bank was awaiting a response from Ethiopia on its proposal.

Turkey reacts to Obama, Putin, Hollande, Gauck over Armenian killings remarks

Turkey reacts to the US, Russia, Germany and France over the wording their leaders picked on the Armenian killings Turkey has reacted to the U.S., Russia, Germany and France over the wording their leaders picked in remarks on the killing of Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in 1915. 

Cracking the wall of forgetfulness

Pax Ottomanica was based on the might of the Ottoman army. For most of the time during the Empire?s rule, the tribes in eastern Anatolia, or Arab sheiks of the southern deserts, knew that if they challenged Istanbul, men with guns would come knocking on their door. So once the Army was not strong enough to guarantee peace, all hell broke loose. That was World War I.
