

Pakistan mulls deal with Turkey on dual nationality

Pakistan on Jan. 30 said a plan is under consideration to sign an agreement with Turkey regarding providing dual nationality to the citizens of two countries.

This came during a meeting between Pakistan Interior Minister Ijaz Ahmad Shah and Turkish Ambassador to Islamabad İhsan Mustafa Yurdakul, according to a statement issued by Pakistan's Interior Ministry.

At Least 65 People Died in a Train Fire in Pakistan

At least 65 people died this morning in a fire that broke out in a passenger train in Pakistan, Yasmin Rashid, who heads health authorities in central Punjab, told AFP.

According to her, there are also more than 40 injured who are being transported to hospitals in the region. So far, only 18 of the dead have been recognized.

Belgrade - One of the Cities with the Dirtiest Air in the World

The measurements rank the Serbian capital next to Delhi and Beijing.

Despite air problems in the Russe region, data from metering stations show that Belgrade is among the most polluted cities in recent days around the world. The measurements put the Serbian capital near cities such as Beijing, Delhi, Karachi.

The Droughts Affect 55 million People a Year, According to a WWF Report

A new report by the conservation organization WWF warns that the climate crisis poses an increasing real risk of global droughts. According to the study, these processes put pressure on wetlands and the urban environment and negatively impact the lives of 55 million people each year, putting energy supplies and food production at risk.

Paris is Now the Most Expensive City in the World

Paris is now the most expensive city to live in the world. An annual survey compares prices of 160 basic commodities in 133 of the world's largest and richest cities. In the first place, with equal figures, are Paris, Hong Kong and the city, which was in the first position 5 times in a row - Singapore. Just behind the list of expensive cities are Zurich, Geneva and Osaka.

#DiplomaticCentennial/ Romania's Ambassador in Islamabad Goia: "Unfortunately, negative aspects regarding Pakistan are exaggerated"

"Unfortunately (...) the negative tints regarding Pakistan are exaggerated, which has the unpleasant consequence of creating some reservations at the level of the Romanian business community in connection with the security of some possible businesses or cooperation projects with Pakistani companies," Ambassador of Romania in Islamabad Niculaie Goia said in an interview with AGERPRES, underscori
