

Trump hopes for successful North Korea summit, but warns he could walk away

U.S. President Donald Trump said on April 18 that he hoped an unprecedented summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un would be successful after a recent visit to Pyongyang by CIA Director Mike Pompeo, but warned he would call it off if he did not think it would produce results.

Kim Jong-un Mentioned for the First Time the DPRK Dialogue with Washington Publicly

SEOUL (AFP) - North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un discussed future talks with the US at a party meeting, state media reported on Tuesday (April 10), in his first official mention of dialogue with Washington ahead of a planned summit with President Donald Trump.

Kim Jong-un on a Visit to Beijing, met with the Chinese President

China has confirmed that the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, has visited Beijing, where he met the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, and pledged his commitment to denuclearising the Korean peninsula.

Confirming several reports over the last two days, Xinhua state news agency said Kim had been in China on an "unofficial visit" from Sunday to Wednesday.

Unconfirmed: Kim Jong-un is on His First Visit Abroad

On unconfirmed information, the North Korean leader is on a first visit abroad.

It is believed that Kim Jong-Un has arrived in the Chinese capital. But neither Beijing nor Pyongyang confirm this information.

According to Japanese media, on Sunday morning a train crossed the border with China. Wagons were green in color, like Kim's father's train.

ForMin Melescanu pleads at FAC meeting in Brussels for EU to maintain support in its relation with Ukraine

Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu participated on Monday in Brussels in the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) meeting, context in which the head of the Romanian diplomacy pleaded for the EU to maintain its attention and support, so that the process of implementing the Association Agreement / the Free Trade Agreement continue in the relationship with Ukraine.
