

US Gaza Ceasefire Resolution Thwarted by Russian and Chinese Veto at UN

Russia and China utilized their veto power to block the UN Security Council's draft resolution proposed by the United States, which aimed at achieving a ceasefire in Gaza and securing the release of hostages held by Hamas. According to reports from the BBC and AFP, cited by BTA, Moscow accused Washington of engaging in a "hypocritical spectacle" by failing to exert pressure on Israel.

Suffering continues as Gazans break fast without 'joy of Ramadan'

The first day of Ramadan came and went in Gaza, with residents marking a joyless iftar against a backdrop of famine, disease and displacement as the war in the besieged territory ground on more than five months after it began.

As the Muslim world welcomed the start of the holy month on Monday, Gazans faced continued Israeli bombardments and a spiralling humanitarian crisis.

Working behind Biden's back? "Joseph has not been informed"

"We do not believe that an operation, a major military operation, should continue in Rafah unless there is a clear and enforceable plan to protect these civilians, to move them to safe places, feed them, train them and house them," the White House adviser Sullivan told national security, reported Reuters.

Israel strikes Gaza's Rafah as truce talks under way

Israel launched air strikes Thursday on southern Gaza's Rafah after threatening to send troops into the city, where around 1.4 million Palestinians have sought shelter from around the territory.

Global powers trying to navigate a way to end the Israel-Hamas war have so far come up short, but a U.S. envoy was expected in Israel on Thursday to try to secure a truce deal.
