

Which companies accept bitcoin? (list)

Bitcoins are taking over the crypto-currency marketplace. They’re the largest and most well-known digital currency. Many large companies are accepting bitcoins as a legitimate source of funds. They allow their online products to be bought with bitcoins. With the extreme facilitation of transfer and earning of bitcoins, it would be a mistake not to accept these new-found online coins as cash.

Do stressed-out Japanese really stage elaborate disappearances? (VIDEO)

Some years ago, low on cash, I took an unusual job in Tokyo’s entertainment district Shibuya. Every morning I dressed in a swallow-tailed jacket stained with the sweat of a previous shift worker, assumed a fake name, and pretended to be an English butler for the women, and occasionally men, who visited a mock castle interior on the fifth floor of a beige high rise.

Amazing blind pianist breaks out in tears on stage! (video)

Nobuyuki Tsujii was born blind (due to Microphthalmia) but with an amazing talent for music. He began his formal study of piano at the age of four. In 1995, at the age of seven, Tsujii won the first prize at the All Japan Music of Blind Students by the Tokyo Helen Keller Association. In 1998, at age ten, he debuted with the Century Orchestra, Osaka.

The Maestro on the margins: Allan Holdsworth, 1946-2017 (VIDEO)

Hunter S. Thompson had it right when he said “The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs.” To which I’d add, the mediocre and banal are celebrated and remunerated, while the sublimely gifted and ever-searching are routinely marginalized.
