PDL leadership to convene at Parliament Palace

The Democratic Liberal Party's (PDL) National Steering College is convening today at Parliament Palace to prepare an Extraordinary National Convention for July 26, preceding the joint PDL-National Liberal Party (PNL) Congress aimed at merging through amalgamation and at discussing up-to-date political topics, including a merger through absorption with the Civic Force Party (FC).

Democrat Liberal head Blaga: Name of new party from PDL-PNL merger is PNL

Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) chair Vasile Blaga on Thursday announced that the new party to result from the merger between the Liberals and the Democrat Liberals will keep the name of the National Liberal Party (PNL), and it will use PDL's traditional headquarters in Modrogan Alley 1, Bucharest.

Elena Udrea: PMP to back single candidate of Right only if he is Cristian Diaconescu

The People's Movement Party (PMP) President Elena Udrea says that the party she leads will back the variant of a single candidate of the Right in the presidential elections, if the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) and the National Liberal Party (PNL) back the PMP candidate Cristian Diaconescu.

Ponta: We shall have congress to designate candidate for presidential elections

The candidate of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), the National Union for Romania's Progress (UNPR) and the Conservative Party (PC) electoral alliance will be established following a congress to take place, most likely, in September, Prime Minister Victor Ponta said on Thursday.
