PNL, USR react to JusMin Toader's request of revoking PG Lazar

The chairman of PNL (National Liberal Party) criticized on Wednesday the decision of the Minister of Justice, Tudorel Toader, in regards to launching the revoking procedure of the Prosecutor General of Romania, Augustin Lazar, saying that this proposal is "absurd", "stupid" and "lacking arguments".

Former Liberal head Antonescu's "probably last" speech to party

Crin Antonescu, the former chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), called the audience at a concert dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the party to defend the values they believed in and the Parliament; he mentioned it was probably the last time he was addressing "such a Liberal gathering."

Photo credit: (c) Mihai POZIUMSCHI / AGERPRES PHOTO

Liberal Democrat, Liberal groups merge in the Senate, Chamber of Deputies

The opposition National Liberal Party (PDL) and Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) groups in the Senate have merged, an announcement to this effect having been made when the group leaders presented the group leadership for the new ordinary session of the legislature at the plenary sitting of the upper house on Monday, in line with the Rules.

Candidate Tariceanu: Iohannis became Basescu's candidate, he is like an elephant in a china shop

Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, an independent candidate in the presidential elections, on Monday implied that the National Liberal Party's (PNL) chairman Klaus Iohannis has become Traian Basescu's candidate.

He said that Iohannis is "like an elephant in a china shop" and characterised him as being a "complete novice" in all matters.

Atanasiu (PNL): On today's counting, Iohannis is much ahead of Predoiu

The designation of the Christian Liberal Alliance (ACL) candidate to Romania's Presidency will take place on August 9-10, but it is very clear that 'on today's counting' Klaus Iohannis is much ahead of Catalin Predoiu, National Liberal Party (PNL) Vice Chairman Teodor Atanasiu told RFI radio broadcaster on Tuesday.

National Liberal Party Extraordinary Congress has approved protocol for merger with PDL

The National Liberal Party (PNL) Extraordinary Congress has approved the protocol for the merger with the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL), the statute and political program of the new party and the protocol for the "ACL PNL-PDL" alliance (Liberal Christian Alliance)
