Turkish Airlines

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VIDEO: Peshmerga troops cheered by crowd while crossing southeastern Turkey

Peshmerga troops en route to Kobane to reinforce the Syrian Kurdish fighters battling Islamist militants were welcomed by large crowds while traveling through the southeastern Turkish province of Mardin.

Turkish Kurds cheered as a Peshmerga convoy was crossing the border district of Nusaybin, waving Kurdish flags and flashing victory signs.

Turkish Airlines pilot’s announcement turns into marriage proposal at 38,000 feet

Passengers braced for turbulence, or worse, some technical problem when Ali Kuzey stated “This is the captain speaking” during a Turkish Airlines flight from Van to Istanbul. But it was definitely not turbulence – if not a turbulent moment of emotion by the pilot.

Italian passenger under quarantine in Istanbul over Ebola suspicion

An Italian passenger has been taken into quarantine after falling ill during a flight between Kano, Nigeria and Istanbul’s Atatürk airport on Aug. 22.

The 23-year-old woman reportedly had a fever before she boarded the plane in the northern Nigerian city, but local doctors allowed her to board the Turkish Airlines flight after they diagnosed her with Malaria.
