Wall Street Journal

Athens in Americans’ top 10

From the temples of Japan and the thermal baths of Hungary, to the islands of the Cyclades in Greece, American tourists are everywhere this summer, and Athens is among their top 10 destinations.

With the dollar rising, the value of the money in Americans' pockets seems to take them even further.

‘What was Mitsotakis doing in Ukraine?’

"So a Russian ballistic missile nearly killed the Greek prime minister as he was visiting Odesa with Zelensky today. The Greek prime minister. The leader of the NATO and EU member with the largest sympathies for Russia," Yaroslav Trofimov, chief foreign affairs correspondent of The Wall Street journal and author, commented on X on the day of the attack.

Israeli delegation departs Cairo as pressure mounts for Gaza ceasefire

An Israeli delegation left talks in Cairo to pause the Israel-Hamas war on Tuesday, Israeli and U.S. media reported.

Israeli intelligence chief David Barnea met CIA Director William Burns in the Egyptian capital for talks on a Qatari-brokered plan to temporarily halt fighting in Gaza.

What is cooking, Mr. Putin?

The price of eggs in Russia is higher by 60 percent.
As reported by many independent Russian portals, when Russians go to home visits, they no longer bring a traditional bottle of vodka or a chocolate cake but bring their hosts eggs as a present.
