World Bank group

World Bank plans $6 billion of financial support for Egypt

The World Bank is planning to give Egypt more than $6 billion in financial assistance over the next three years to help it meet its development priorities, the Washington-based lender has announced 

"Over the coming three years, the World Bank Group intends to provide more than $6 billion of support to Egypt," the development lender said in a statement.

Nexo Initiates International Arbitration Case Against Bulgaria

Cryptocurrency-based financial services company Nexo has filed a case against Bulgaria in an international arbitration court in the USA, according to investigative website "" This move comes after the Bulgarian prosecutor's office dropped its investigation into Nexo, citing insufficient evidence of a crime.

Japanese agency provides financing for quake relief

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is providing loans of up to 20 billion yen ($139 million) to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that were affected by the February earthquakes.

The loan agreement was signed between JICA and the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization of Türkiye (KOSGEB) in the capital Ankara.
