

Restoring the balance

US President-elect Donald Trump is moving into the White House on Friday, yet the world has already changed. The niceties have been cast aside, political rhetoric has assumed a rawness that until now was associated only with military action, and political correctness has been replaced by directness in the conveyance of the political message.

Chinese President Xi calls for a global nuclear disarmament


Chinese President Xi Jinping called for a world without nuclear weapons at the UN on Wednesday. He urged a multilateral system based on equality among nations large and small.


Nuclear weapons should be completely prohibited and destroyed over time to make the world free of nuclear weapons“, Xi said.


PPC approves ADMIE spin-off

Shareholders of Greece's electricity utility Public Power Corporation (PPC) approved late on Tuesday the transfer of a 51 percent stake in the power grid operator ADMIE, part of a spin-off scheme, which is a major term in Greece's bailout program.

24 companies take specifications for 1915 Çanakkale Bridge bid, almost half foreign: Minister

A total of 24 companies have taken specifications for Turkey's 1915 Çanakkale Bridge, planned to be completed and opened in 1923, Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications Minister Ahmet Arslan has said.

Four of the companies are from Japan, three are from China, two are from South Korea and one is from Italy, state-run Anadolu Agency reported on Jan. 18. 

A new game with Washington

Turkey and its neighbors are getting ready for the new host of the White House. But the signs are confusing. Donald Trump's policies sound like they will be remarkably different from his predecessor's.

But when you scratch the surface and dig deeper, they sound like more of the same - at least in their foreign relations' agendas.

Bringing the mutual benefits of CEE - China cooperation to reality: Slovenia's Pipistrel and China's Sino GA Group sign a deal

For the first time a representative from the EU attended as an observer, as well as representatives from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development from Austria, Belarus, Greece and Switzerland.

Serbian PM meets with Chinese president on Davos sidelines

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Chinese President Xi Jinping met on Tuesday in Davos, Switzerland, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum.

They spoke about Zelezara Smederevo steelworks, now owned by the Chinese company Hesteel, "and about future joint projects," the Serbian government said.
