

Interests and intentions

We have to be extremely careful when we attempt to draw conclusions about who would stand by Greece or Cyprus at a crucial moment.

We tend to celebrate when we hear that the navy of an allied country will stand up to the Turks if it has to, only to sink into disappointment when the expectation fails to materialize.

US ambassador visits Greece's chief of general defense staff

The chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (GEETHA), Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis, received US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt in his Athens office on Wednesday.

Their meeting focused on developments in the broader region, as well as on the continued detention of two Greek soldiers by Turkish authorities and Greek-American ties, according to an official announcement,

Gender pay gap shrinks below EU average in Cyprus

Cyprus is making steady progress in reducing the pay gap between men and women, data from the European statistical authority, Eurostat, showed on Wednesday.

According to figures for 2016, the unadjusted gender pay gap in Cyprus stood at 13.9 percent against an EU average of 16 percent, meaning that women earned 0.84 euros to every 1 euro made by a man.

Turkish PM says justice system 'will do what it must' over Greek soldiers

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Wednesday said that the "justice system will do what it must" in regards to the arrest last week of two Greek soldiers who accidentally strayed across Turkey's border and suggested that Greece must regard the incident as "a serious diplomatic issue in order to have conveyed it to the European Union."

Turkey says US 6th fleet has not yet arrived off Cyprus

Turkish Presidential Spokesman İbrahim Kalın has stated that the United States’ 6th fleet has not yet arrived off the island of Cyprus, after the Greek Cypriot administration claimed that the U.S. navy will be in the eastern Mediterranean for the protection of Exxon’s drilling vessel from a potential Turkish intervention.

US ships arrive in Cyprus EEZ

The increased US naval presence in the Eastern Mediterranean until the end of the month is seen as an indication of the concern triggered by Turkey's recent hostility in the region, which last month led to the suspension of Italian energy company Eni's drilling operations in Block 3 of Cyprus's exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
