

Cyprus leader sees delay in talks as Ankara 'controls' Turkish Cypriots

A few days after the latest round of Cyprus peace talks stalled, President Nicos Anastasiades said on Friday that he believed Turkish-Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci would not return to the negotiating table before a constitutional referendum scheduled to be held in Turkey in April.

Tread carefully

The aggression being displayed by Turkey in the Aegean Sea over the past couple of months is cause for great concern and Athens needs to act with determination while keeping a cool head in its responses.

Stress test on Cyprus

Maybe it's a good thing that we have a crisis in the Cyprus talks now and not later. If the negotiations between President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish-Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci can withstand today's difficulties, then perhaps the Cyprus issue will be on its way toward resolution.
